Back Home Fariq Naik Why is Only One out of 73 Sects in Islaam will Go to Jannah? Why is Only One out of 73 Sects in Islaam will Go to Jannah? Video Duration 00 : 02 : 35 More like this video Ask Shaikh Fariq 00 : 03 : 14 Will I get Sawaab for Every Alphabet I Read of the Qur’aan in my Mother Tongue? - Fariq Naik Allah 00 : 04 : 10 If Allaah’s Signs are Shown to All, why is not the Whole World Muslims? - Fariq Naik Ask Shaikh Fariq 00 : 05 : 28 When Jesus (pbuh) said there is Only One God then Why do Christians Worship him? - Fariq Naik Ask Shaikh Fariq 00 : 02 : 35 Why is Only One out of 73 Sects in Islaam will Go to Jannah? - Fariq Naik Allah 00 : 03 : 23 Why does Allah Create a Person He Knows He Would Be in Hell? - Fariq Naik Ask Shaikh Fariq 00 : 03 : 02 Why was I born in a Muslim Family and my Friends in a non Muslim Family? - Fariq Naik Ask Shaikh Fariq 00 : 04 : 10 Why do we Call Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) an Ummi (illiterate) Considering his Status? - Fariq Naik « ‹ › » page 1 / 10