Lesson 2 – Ramadan – The Month of Supplications
Allah descends to the lowest heaven after 1/3 of a night and answers supplications. Holy Prophet (PBUH) said:
“Allah comes down to the lowest heaven every night when the first third of the night has passed and says I am your Lord, I am your Lord. Who will call upon me that I may answer him? Who will ask of Me that I may give him? Who will ask Me for forgiveness that I may forgive him? And that continues until the light of dawn.” (Sahih Muslim Vol.2 Hadith 1773)
People may have a very utter desire to gain something. Supplications are the best source of asking Allah for that thing. Ramadan is the month of supplications where we can supplement before the Almighty for all our sins. In this episode, Dr. Zakir Naik will be with us to throw some light on how to practice supplications. We will take a look at the preferred time for supplications, why supplications get rejected, and other key points that every Muslim should know to make the most of Ramadan, the month of supplications.
Preferred Time for Supplications
The preferred time for supplications is:
- Lailatul Qadr.
- One hour during Friday after Asr.
- One hour during the last 1/3rd portion of the night.
- Before Iftaar, when a person is fasting.
- When it is raining.
Why Supplications are Rejected
Your supplications may get rejected because:
- You earn haram sources of income.
- You oppress others that are weaker than you or depend on you.
- You continue to do what is prohibited and don’t shift towards the good deeds that Allah likes.
- You are performing supplications in the wrong manner. There are proper etiquettes of supplications.
- You are calling Allah with un-authentic names.
“When my servants ask thee concerning Me, I am indeed close (to them): I listen to the prayer of every supplicant when he calleth on me. Let them also with a will, listen to my call, and believe in Me: that they may walk in the right way.” (Al Quran 2:186)
This verse symbolizes the benefits of supplications. During the month of supplications, we should seek maximum advantage as the supplications of a fasting person are never rejected. Holy Prophet (PBUH) said:
“There are three whose supplication is never rejected: the fasting person when he breaks his fast, the just leader, and the supplication of the oppressed person.” (Sunan At Tirmidhi Vol 6 Hadith 3598)
The hadith shows that Allah loves people who fast during the month of supplications.
Etiquettes of Supplications
During the month of supplications, we should know the etiquettes of supplications to make the most of it.
- Ask only from Allah, no matter how big or small the thing is.
- Ask Allah with humbleness and address Allah with humility.
- Ask with Taqwa, fear of Allah.
- Ask with confirmed hope that Inshaallah, Allah, will answer your supplication.
There are more etiquettes that will be discussed in detail in our episode with Dr. Zakir Naik. Enroll in our course to make the most of the month of supplications.
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